Using the Online Microsoft Office Portal to open EMR reports

Using the Online Microsoft Office Portal to open EMR reports

In this guide, we will go-over how to important EMR reporting documents into the web version of Microsoft Office.

  1. 1. Finding the report you want to generate
    1. You can find many clinical reports via http://sqlrpt/Reports_SSRS/browse/
  2. Once you have found a report you want to use, you will want to download the file to your computer. In this example I am using the "CSP Outcomes Measurement" report.
    1. Click on the save icon
    2. at the drop down select "Excel"

      1. The file will either download to your downloads file within the "file explorer" application on the computer or ask you where you would like to save the document (depending on the browser being used, ex. Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. In this tutorial I am using the Google Chrome Browser and my file is sent to my downloads folder.)

    3. With the document being downloaded, we are now going to upload the file into our cloud hosted OneDrive center
      1. First you will want to sign onto the Microsoft Office Portal at this link
      2. Within the portal, click on the icon in the top left corner that looks like 9 small tiles

      3. Select "OneDrive" 
        1. at the OneDrive portal, select upload 
          1. Now select "files"
            1. You will now find the report that was saved in part 2 and select the document you want to access
              1. The document will now upload and be shown within the OneDrive portal
                1. You can now click into the document and it will open in the correct cloud version of Microsoft Office.


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